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Normal/Test Mode

In order to allow this website's ordering and checkout to be tested, this website allows each of its users to be either in Normal Mode or Test Mode.

Normal Mode

In Normal Mode, orders are treated as real, and placing an order causes the user's credit card to be billed, and instructs the store to prepare the order.

Test Mode

In Test Mode, orders are treated as test orders to test the website; they cause all the same things to happen except that they do not cause the credit card to be billed, and when the order is sent to the store, it is marked as a test order so that the order won't be prepared. Test orders appear in the store's order management interface, but are not included in the store's accounting reports.

You should not switch to test mode unless you are associated with the store and wish to test the website by placing test orders.

Your Current Mode

You are currently in Normal mode. Your orders will be processed normally.